Thanks so much to “Illuminating the Fool’s Mirror” for nominating me for a Liebster award! If you are unfamiliar with this blog, then please go follow for talented and mind-expanding posts on Media & Mythology!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and give a link to the blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  3. Nominate between 5-11 other bloggers.
  4. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  5. Notify your nominees once you’ve uploaded your post.

Questions for me:

Name one place you really want to visit someday.

I’m not too much of a traveler and I did so much of it when I was a child. It would be pretty incredible to visit Egypt and see the pyramids. I also wouldn’t mind going to Italy because I imagine the food would be delicious.

What is the perfect end to a day?

Ending the day in a soft and warm bed, feeling super cozy. Watching a movie or reading a book. Maybe a cup of hot tea.

Which do you prefer: Cooking for someone, having someone cook for you, cooking for yourself, or takeout?

It really depends on so many factors. I usually don’t like cooking for others because it’s a lot of pressure. So I would rather someone cooks for me or takeout. Homecooked meals are usually better but it depends what it is and if I like it. Pizza is almost always better through takeout.

For reading, what format do you like best (print, electronic, audio, etc.)?

I prefer books, it feels better on my eyes than electronics, as I spend most of my time already staring at a screen. I am recently enjoying audiobooks, might try to get into that more because that way I can multitask and get other things done. Reading a book is more meditative but not always practical, as it’s time consuming.

Other than looking at a clock or phone, how do you check the time?

I use my laptop. And I work, I wear a watch.

What kind of ending to a story makes you mad?

If a story ends too upsetting or too perfect, I hate it. I get mad when there’s no resolution and all the characters end up sad and depressed, I also get mad when everything magically works out and everyone is happy and all the bad characters get their justice. I like a balance because it’s more realistic and relatable. I like when it’s mainly satisfying but there’s also still a hint of melancholiness and more struggles to come. I like when most of the questions are answered but there’s still some room to wonder or interpret what happens next.

If you had a time machine, what would you use it for?

I think going to the future would ruin a lot of things about the present. I always wanted to see myself in person as a young child, like 3 or 4 years old, because I feel like I could learn a lot of things about myself and gain better self-understanding. That’s like the age when you act your true personality before the world pressures you to be someone you’re not. I could see which current parts of me are true and which parts are conditioned.

If you could control an element, what would it be?

I would probably choose fire, pyrokinesis has fascinated me for a long time.

Are colors more or less vivid in your dreams?

I have never really noticed too much of a difference!

What kind of sky lifts your heart?

A cotton candy pink sky is so beautiful!

Where do the lost things go?

I’ve often found myself spending a long time looking for something, and as soon as I announce out loud “I can’t find this!” it suddenly appears!

My questions for you:

  1. What is your favorite planet and why?
  2. What do you typically eat for lunch?
  3. Which time period in history interests you most?
  4. How do you deal with writer’s block?
  5. What’s one healthy choice you make every day?
  6. What’s the last animal you saw and how did it make you feel?
  7. Someone hands you a camera and tells you to take a picture, what do you photograph?
  8. Top three favorite music genres?
  9. What would you tell your childhood self?
  10. What background noise helps you write best — music, TV, podcast, nature sounds, other, or silence?
  11. Are you a dancer?

My nominees:

Nominees — no pressure to fill out, just wanted to at least mention a shoutout! 🙂

To anyone I missed — let me know and I will nominate! All are welcome! 🙂

And Illuminating the Fool’s Mirror — feel free to answer back my questions too but no pressure! 🙂

Thank you to all the amazing bloggers, KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL JOB!!!!!!

22 responses to “Liebster Award #3!!!”

  1. Congratulations Laura! Well done with your answers. And thanks so much for the nomination!! I will do it, though it might take a little bit to get it done. Have a wonderful evening!😀😺🏆🏆🥳🥳

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries, I know get a lot of these! You are very popular! ☺️💚 Thanks so much, have a good night! 🐈💤🌕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yaaaayyyyy congrats❣️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you very much! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awe, that’s so kind, Laura. Thank you so much for the lovely nomination! Much appreciated. Have a lovely week! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! Thanks, have a super fantastic week yourself! ☺️🙏💜

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for the nomination and shout out! I sure do appreciate it. You are the second one to nominate me, so I guess I had better get on it 🙂 I love your questions too.
    Again, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful to hear, your deserve it! ☺️😁

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on your award

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Pleasure Laura

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. […] so much to lotuslaura for nominating me for this award! I highly recommend following her blog […]


  8. I love your answers! I totally agree with you about print books being a welcome rest from all the screen time. I haven’t tried listening to an audiobook in a while. That might be an even better way to rest my eyes!

    Thanks for the invite to answer your questions. They look interesting, so maybe I will!

    Liked by 1 person

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